Posted on 7/26/2012
CNG, compressed natural gas, is the best alternative to gasoline, electric or hydrogen. I will make a bold statement, a CNG vehicle is the cleanest, least carbon foot print of any fuel power vehicle in the world. I say fuel powered to eliminate a human powered vehicle. The reason are vast, yes, an electric vehicle has less tail pipe emissions then a CNG vehicle but to produce and transport electricity, electric vehicles will has a larger carbon footprint then a CNG vehicle. Don’t even get me started about converting electric to separate water into hydrogen and then all the difficulties in storage of hydrogen. It takes about 3 gallons of to get the energy of 1 gallon of gasoline. In my opinion for the past 15 years, hydrogen powered vehicles are a bad idea! The first thing that needs to be established is the difference between energy source and energy storage. Gasoline, natural gas and solar are energy sources while electric batteries, compressed air and hydrogen are just a storage med ... read more