Posted on 12/21/2011
One of the daily challenges that we face at our shops is diagnosing and fixing automotive problems that arise only intermittently. Drivers come to us all the time asking us to fix vibrations, noises and poor-running or no-start conditions that happen sometimes, for unknown reasons. The first is to observe and experience the symptoms of the problem. Step two is establishing a theory about the root causes of the problem. Moving to step three, you test, review and diagnose to prove or disprove your theory. The fourth and most important step is applying a remedy — in the case of auto service, repairing or replacing the parts in question — to make sure your theory is correct. If the problem does not exist all the time, however, you lose control over two or three of these steps.We have had vehicles that will crank over but won’t start. One of the first steps in this case is to read the onboard ECU (electronic control unit) to see if any fault codes have registered. If they have, we cons ... read more